BOOK your Balikbayanbox here USD 10 ONLY (or equalent in your currency).
BOOKING FEE will be discounted from your shipment cost.
Fill up your Email, Phone, Name, Country, City, Adress you want to send your box from.
After Booking, you be Contacted via Email or Phone of the Shipping Agency who handle Balikbayanboxes in your area.
They will help you with empty Boxes, Pickup of your Boxes, and final Deliver your box to your familys door in The Philippines.
Booking with us Guarantee you Accredited and Reliable Balikbayanbox Shipping Agencys with the best prices. No worries and safe delivery of your shipment.
We follow every box shipment, to make sure every customer is satisfied.
We are the one and only Worldwide One-Stop-Shop that simplify balikbayanbox shipping.